Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Brown Recluse Spider = Scary!

So at Mr. Bex's urging I googled the brown recluse spider bite and the first picture that popped up will definitely give me nightmares. Necrotic tissue surrounds the site of the bite and if not treated immediately you will die!!! How scary is that!!! Unfortunately I have seen first hand what a brown recluse spider bite looks like in the early stages, a friend who shall remain nameless got bit under the armpit (twice) and I can't tell you how gross it was trying to get all the puss-mixed with-blood out of the swollen bite area. Nasty! I won't post the photo that came up when I googled "brown recluse spider" because I am so grossed out by it myself. Google it yourself and tell me what you think. Scary shit.

5 cheer(s)!:

^^Sleepy Jackson^^ said...

arachnophobia scared the sheet out of me when i was little. the film i mean, and now i watch it whenever its on, that brown recluse spider would get stomped on round here!

Bex said...

Well, it's sneaky and likes warm places, so while you're asleep if you're not careful you will get bitten in the armpit or testicles.

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

careful ;)

Ira said...

Creepy. This is why I live in the cold north.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely hate these spiders! Here's another picture...thankfully with some tips to get rid of the things