Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Oh For Spring To Come...

I'm sitting in front of the computer and I happen to look outside the's snowing. Heavily. It's been snowing every day for the last...I don't know..week? Not just a smattering here and there, but huge, fluffy snowflakes. They look like pieces of unbuttered popcorn from where I am sitting. In an hour there will be 3 inches of snow on the ground. Overnight, the snow will have turned into either slush, or sheets of ice, depending on the temperature.

I'm wishing that it is spring already. Warmer weather, rain, trees in bloom. Sunshine. That's what I'm craving for right now, sunshine. There is nothing great about winter, nothing. A cold, creaky flat which two different heaters fail to warm up. Snowstorms you have to plow through to get to work. Red frosty noses and figertips and toes, no matter how many layers you put on. Jumping out of the shower before the water runs cold, and shivering as you frantically dry yourself and dress yourself in cold clothes.

That first day when I walk out of the house not resembling the Michelin Man in snowboots, will be a fantastic day. Oh, I don't pretend that the trees will bear leaves overnight and birds will be chirping as I walk down the street, but that feeling that winter is over and summer is just a few months away...nothing beats that. I am not a winter person, never will be. My whole life up to when I was 21 had been spent in the tropics where the sun shone all year round and the most extreme weather we had was the monsoon season when it rained non-stop for two or three months. The worst natural disaster we had was flooding in the coastal areas, and since we lived on a hill, flooding didn't affect us greatly either. Someone said that they wished that they could pick up this city and put it somewhere sunny and warm. I feel the same way. I love Chicago, I just don't like the winters here.

But I suppose at least we don't have the Mistral. Or live where the sun only shines 4 months out of the year. So bring on spring, with it's new growth and changes. I sure as hell am ready for a change.

2 cheer(s)!:

Anonymous said...

yes, i agree wholeheartedly, it needs to be spring, or else...i am anonymous, hello =) the sun always shines on tv...a ha sang that i think =(

Chris McManaman said...
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