Saturday, January 26, 2008


Personality Analysis Fom ColorQuiz:

Bex's Existing Situation

Physical illness, over-tension, or emotional distress have taken a severe toll. Her self-esteem has been reduced and she now needs peaceful conditions and considerate treatment to permit recovery.

Bex's Stress Sources

Resilience and tenacity have become weakened. Feels overtaxed, worn out, and getting nowhere, but continues to stand her ground. She feels this adverse situation as an actual tangible pressure which is intolerable to her and from which she wants to escape, but she feels unable to make the necessary decision.

Bex's Restrained Characteristics

Exacting in her emotional demands and very particular in her choice of partner. The desire for emotional independence prevents any depth of involvement.

Bex's Desired Objective

Takes easily and quickly to anything which provides stimulation. Preoccupied with things of an intensely exciting nature, whether erotically stimulating or otherwise. Wants to be regarded as an exciting and interesting personality with an altogether charming and impressive influence on others. Uses tactics cleverly so as to avoid endangering her chances of success or undermined others' confidence in herself.

Bex's Actual Problem

The tensions induced by trying to cope with conditions which are really beyond her capabilities, or reserves of strength, have led to considerable anxiety and a sense of personal (but unadmitted) inadequacy. She attempts to escape into a substitute world in which things are more nearly as she desires them to be.

Bex's Actual Problem #2

Has a fear that she might be prevented from achieving the things she wants. This leads her to employ great personal charm in her dealings with others, hoping that this will make it easier for her to reach her objectives.

1 cheer(s)!:

Anonymous said...